A - Age: 27
B - Bed size: King
C - Chore you hate: Cleaning, Cleaning and Cleaning - Laundry too
D - Dog's name: 3 dogs Indy, Kane and Sox
E - Essential start your day item: A Shower! is that an Item?? Oh well its a must for me to be able to wake up!
F - Favorite color: PINK, some greens
G - Gold or Silver: Silver (or white gold)
H - Height: 5'2
I - Instrument you play: Nada
J - Job title: 1st one is Mommy (The best job title ever!)and 2nd: Office Manager its not as fun
K - Kid(s): 1 Tristan
L - Living arrangements: I live with my hubby, 3 dogs and 1 kiddo in our home
M - Mom's name: Sandra
N - Nicknames: Mama, mom, mommy, honey, babe, sweetie, negative nancy(that one is used when I'm meanor being negative)
O - Overnight hospital: Just when I had T- turned into like a vacation
P - Pet peeve(s): Lieing!! HUGE HUGE HUGE No no with me.. I'm not a forgiver of liars!!
Q - Quote from a movie: Yea right, I can;t even remember what I did 5 min ago let alone remember a qoute from a movie
R - Right or left handed: Right
S - Siblings: 2 bros, 1 sis all older I'm the baby :0)
T - Time you wake: 630am
U - Underwear: Yes please
V - Vegetable you dislike: tomatoes
W - Workout style: Ummm, chasing after my kid. 3 days a week with cardio and then 2 days strength training.
X - X-rays you've had: 1 or 2 I think-
Y - Yesterday's best moments: taking a 4 hour nap all by myself in my bed, no crying, no barking no nothing just me - sudafed and darkness!! (all because I'm sick) Bleh
Z- Zoo favorite: OMGosh.. I love HIPPOS!! Love Em.. Everyone makes fun. but seriously love HIPPOS!! So cute..
1 comment:
I love the chore you hate! :) How wonderful that you got a 4 hour nap yeaterday...too bad it wasn't because you were sick. And I don't know if I have ever seen a hippo! Neither of our zoos has them. :(
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