This past weekend we took T to his first Pumpkin Patch. Of course we had to go on the hottest day in October in Arizona. It was cooling off and then boom all of sudden it decided that it would get ridiculously hot for one more weekend!!
We made do and had a great time. T had a good time as well and we picked at a Mommy Pumpkin a Daddy Pumpkin and Minnie Pumpkin for T.. We are going to carve them this weekend so they don't rot before Halloween..
OMG Jenni! You have a little boy!! He isn't a baby anymore! When did he get so big? lol
I know it...right?! He does look like a little boy and a cute one at that!
LOL ahhh your making me sad.. He's still my baby boy.. ::sniff sniff:
He is turning into a little boy for sure.. and a pain in my butt at that!! hahah :0)
Thanks Girls.
I'm glad you guys have such a good time out at the farm. It's fun with kids huh?
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