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Wednesday, July 1, 2009

101 goals in 1001 days

So - I stole this from a fellow blogger and thought this was pretty neat.. Its a good way to keep track of the goals I already have in my head but I think most or all of them will get completed if I am able to write them out.. and of course my number of goals accounted for maybe like 20 - but this is 101.. so some may or may not get accomplished- but I definitely plan to give it my all!!
So here we go.. My start date will be July 11, 2009 and end date will be March 8, 2012

1. Buy a new bed
2. Learn to edit my photos
3. Buy adobe photo shop to accomplish #2
4. Get passports for John, Tristan and myself
5. Back up all my Very important things (pictures, documents etc) to my external hard drive
6. Take Tristan to the Wild Life World Zoo
7. Become CPR certified
8. Start going to Yoga classes offered at the Gym (0/30)
9. Go indoor skydiving
10. Go to a city in Az that I have never been to
11. Celebrate Christmas in a different state
12. Make Tristan's Scrap book for his first year of life
13. Take 1 mommy day a month (0/30)
14. Take Tristan to see Snow
15. Take Tristan to Rocky Point, MX
16. Tell John I love him everyday for a month
17. Visit a Farmers Market to get fresh produce
18. Take Tristan to CO to see his Godfather
19. Exercise 3 times a week for 6 months
20. Take Tristan to 10 different parks (o/10)
21. Go to the new water park- Wet N' Wild and make sure we use our season passes(0)
22. Cook a meal from scratch twice a month (0/24)
23. Get Scuba Certified
24.Have a girls weekend in Vegas (o/1)
25. Get a pedicure once a month (0/24)
26. Go on Date Nights with John once a month (0/24)
27. Go white water rafting
28. Watch less T.V. and start playing board games 2 times a week (0/35)
29. Plan my Sister's 4th Baby shower - Small and intimate
30. Have another baby - start after Tristan turns 2
31. Research going back to school- grants, loans etc.
33. Get a new tattoo (0/2)
34. Lose weight ~ 15lbs
35. Decline plastic bags and use reusable
34. Put $1 a day into a Piggy bank for Tristan (o/1001)
35. Re- do my budget every 6 months (0/ 6)
36. Pay down and off Credit Cards (0/5)
37. Stick to budget
38. Go on a Disney cruise for Tristan's 3rd Birthday
39. Take Tristan to the beach
40. Organize my office desk - be clutter free
41. Go on our Honeymoon. 1 year anniversary cruise - March- April 2010
42. Take Tristan to Disney land
43.Go on a road trips just because (0/10)
44. Run in the PF Changs 1/2 Marathon 13 miles Jan17, 2010
45 run in the PF Changs full marathon 26 miles Jan, 2011
46. Up my Life Ins.
47. Make John up his life ins.
48. Try 5 new restaurants (1/5) I counted - Rock Bottom because we tried it on 07/03/09
49. Redo our laundry room (paint, epoxy floor, make/build shelves)
50. Change my last name over to my married one.
51. K.I.T. with friends through email
52. Grow a small garden with Tristan
53. Throw Tristan's 1st Birthday Party
54. Redo the walls in the living room, with shelves and new Pictures
55. Take Tristan for his 15 month pics
56. Take Tristan for his 18 month pics
57. Go and get facials once every other month (0/20)
58. Keep Tristan's Car seat rear facing until at least 15 months old
59. Read some new books (0/5)
60. Write a letter to Tristan on his B-day (0/3)
61. Buy a digital photo frame - 10.5 in.
62. Buy new lenses for my Camera
63. Take a Summer photog class
64. Stop Drinking soda for 1 week
65. Stop drinking soda for two weeks in a row.
66. Compliment a friend
67. Compliment a stranger
68. Look into Cloth Diapering and test them out on Tristan - 07/06/09 Just Purchased gDiapers
69. Come up with 32 more goals.

1 comment:

PeasOut said...

I seriously lold at goal #69!
Maybe I'll do one of these too...