So I'm back, we are back, my head is no where in sight??? haha..
Anyway - I wanted to say HELLO...
A few things:
Thanksgiving was Awesome,
The Dunes were freakin fantastic
T had an amazing time
We had an amazing Time
Weather was better than ever(except for Sat.)
I didn't get to go Black Friday Shopping
but, I did go Cyber Monday Shopping
T and John are done for X-mas
next on my list- My Mom.
I need to start back up on my Goals
I have fallen off the wagon again for weight loss- WTF
I have a new plan for this weight loss
My house is a mess
Tons of laundry to do
but who cares- its time to
So lets start with our Trip- I can not even begin to describe how much fun we had, I think T just adds to my excitment about these trips- I love being able to share these moments with him.
We went to Yuma- Gordon's Well. The Weather was perfect all weekend, except for Saturday like I said. it definitely wasn't horrible just cold and windy and well when you have wind and sand it makes for a very very dusty day, but we made do.
Our first day there, T could barely wait to get out of the truck at the sight of dirt. I let him out and he literally did a face plant(on purpose) and was just in Dirt heaven!! He pretty much rolled around in it and frolicked - it was by far the cutest thing ever.. Until I realized he was going to have sand coming out of every crevice of his body for the next month. haha..
We deep fried our Turkey, made Mashed pototoes and gravy, rolls and I forgot the Corn. of all things I forgot the corn- ugh!! We had pumpkin pie with Whip cream- everything was so YUMMY!! I think we will be deep frying our turkey for now on- apparenty we didn't get the memo about how good and fast it is to Deep Fry the Turkey!! AMAZING PEOPLE!!
So with out furthur adu... Pictures Galore..
First Ride of the Weekend.
and that's all folks.
From our Trip anyway.
1 comment:
Looks like you had a great time! Love all the pictures. I am kind of off the weight loss thing too, ugh. I figure I am just going to make sure to eat as healthy as possible during the next month and get back in the game after the holidays. I'll be happy if I just don't gain weight! :)
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