Lets start with Christmas Lists.
Shoes - Check
Belt - Check
New Shirts - Check 3ea
Wallet - Check
Impact Gun - Check this wasnt on his list, but I knew it was something he was wanting
Cologne - this was a given - its more of a stocking stuffer than anything.
New Jeans - Not on his list but he needs some new ones
Cozy Coupe - Still have to go pick this up
Chuck My Talking Truck - Check
Mr Potatoe Head - Check
Picnic Table for outside but also doubles as a drawing board - check
Lil Tikes Shopping Cart - Check
Puzzles for his stocking - Check
Bubble Blower for the bath - Check
Silly Sam & Friends make believe cleaning equipment - Check
My first tool set - Check
HOLY CRAP - T has so many toys- YIKES and this is just from John and I - Oi!! Ok thats why I said I'm done shopping.. thats what I get for collecting and then forgetting that I have these items!!
So whats on your shopping list?
Mine goes a little somethin like this:
Digital Editing Software
New Necklace - I just told John I wanted something that was White gold and make sure it had some kinda meaning behind it - we shall see how well he does :/
A 10.5 Digital Frame
GC's for Pedicures and nails
Thats about it really.. I'm more of a giver than a taker so making lists is hard.
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