So I will get back to this shortly- I have a few things I need to post about.. I still need to get to that givaway
We are leaving for the dunes on Thursday Morning and I'm pretty excited, except right now I'm sick. and right now - I feel like shit and right now- my head is in the clouds, but I'm so not riding on cloud 9~ more like black clouds are filling that space.. UGH!! I have so much to get ready for this dang trip- I love trips but seriously I'm beginning to
Anyway - just wanted to let ya'll know I'm here - havent disappeared, just a little overwhelmed.. Until then, me and my absentmindedness need to get back to work..
Ugh, that sucks your sick!! I hope you feel better soon so you can come back to blog land. :)
My husband just left for the dunes last night. I bet he's doing some crazy stunts on his dirt bike right about now! :)
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