I'm a few days late with this post, but give me a break I have had a sick kid,, PSHHH Whats new right.. He's always sick, GOD those words hurt.. I hate even telling people he's sick because I feel like he is always sick, but what am I going to do? lock em in a room? NO!! Yea he goes to daycare,I can't change that. so back to the original post here.. I'm late because T is eating up all of my time and energy. 3 nights of very little sleep was and still is kicking my ass!! BUT We are on the right road - thank the good lord!! I took T to the Dr's yesterday and he tested positive for Strep so she gave him a shot of benicillin and boy oh boy did he not like that but when we got home he was out for a good 3 1/2 - 4 hours and when he woke up, it was like I had my old T back. This morning was even better. All his energy is back and I love it but ummmm I need a swift kick in my ass to keep up with this kid.. eeeeekkk..
ANYWAY--- Halloween.. We went to Peoria Sports Complex for the Balloon Glow. Eh.. it was boring - but T had fun. He went on the bouncers and ran around even though he was feeling like crap. After all the running around you would think this kid would sleep... NEGATIVE, up all night.. :(
Do you feel bad for me yet?? HA good. that was the point.. J.K.
Here's some pics of our fun night..
Fun times.. Now its time for bed.. :0)
He is cuuuute!! I do feel bad for you, it totally just sucks when kids are sick, and yeah it happens way too much! ugh, glad he's starting to feel better :)
Thanks Laura, Yep I have been battleing with him being sick - gosh since he was 6 months old finally got tubes in his ears and were in the clear up until about 10 months old and now its just like a once a month thing, I hate it - alot of it has to do with his allergies, but he just can't catch a break. :(
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