1. What is your dream job?
To be a Neonatologist, although after having my own kiddo I think my heart skips a beat everytime I see a teeny tiny baby having problems and I end up in tears.. long ago I was able to get past that, not so much anymore. So I might just stick with becoming an RN in the labor & delivery ward or even postpartum.. I love babies, I love people and I love helping people.
2. What song could you play over and over?
Anything from Celine Dion, or from Gavin Degraw.. You can't make me choose.. ahhhhh..
My all time fav (well two) from Celine, Yea make fun.. I think she is just soo beautiful, she has an amazing voice, everytime she comes on the radio she gives me the chills. I have seen her twice in Concert and she is nothing short of an amazing performer. :0) So its a toss up between "I'm alive, and "A new day has come". Which actually that song is all about her infertilty issues with trying to concieve her first son.
Gavin Degraw songs - also a toss up between - "Follow through" & "More than anyone". These two songs make me think of T. Especially "more than anyone". I will have to put the slideshow up that our photographer did for his newborn shoot its to this song.
3. Do you prefer to talk on the phone or text (or email)?
Actually I would rather text, I can do so much more while texting then I guess talking. Like play with T, or yell at the dogs, or talk on the phone while texting.. hahah but I do love face time. I wish I was able to have more of that.
4. What is your must have beauty product?
I'm gonna say foundation, I will not walk out of my house with out it - and if I do its because I'm getting crazy doing house projects. That would be the only time.
5. What is your favorite Michael Jackson song?
Man this is a good question, I like MJ I can;t really say I love him but I have a few favorites and to be honest this is one is my FAV, it makes me think of my husband and we used this song to walk back up the aisle to after they annouced us. I aslo had it as my ringtone for when he would call, yea back in the day.. hahah
Oh the song would be good. "The Way You Make Me Feel". Love it!!
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Hey Jenni! I'm so happy to have you join in! The L&D or Peds nurse gig is awesome! Seriously, awesome!
I put the same thing for dream job, how fun to see babies come into the world! :) Also, I love Celine Dion too, she rocks!
Mama M, are you speaking from Expierence?? I put school on the backburner unfotunately and I'm heading back in Jan. I can't wait to get back on track to nursing.. :0)
Laura, LOL. I could rock out to Celine all day if i had to..
Jenni that's so funny your going back in January..me too! And L&D will prob be my speciality...i'm back and forth between that or peds. I originally was going for Peds Oncology but dropped out of the program cause I thought I couldn't handle it...biggest mistake I ever made!
I'd rather text too.
Or e-mail.
Or meet in-person.
I tend to avoid the phone at all costs. ;)
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